Tag Archives: shoulders

Stronger in 60 Seconds: The Band Pull-Apart: Fixing the 2 Most Common Mistakes

The band pull-apart is a simple and effective exercise for improving shoulder health, posture and performance.

Unfortunately, it’s often done incorrectly.

Below I’ll show you the two most common ways the band pull-apart gets screwed up, how to fix it, and add them into your program.


?✅ Target your rear delts by initiating the movement with the shoulders protracted, or rolled forward.

?✅ Pull it apart keeping your chin tucked and head in a neutral position — allowing for full ROM. 

?❌ Avoid initiating with the shoulder blades retracted, or pinched together, putting more of the emphasis on the mid-back.

?❌ Avoid cheating the reps by pulling your head/chest forward to shorten the ROM. 


Two of my favorite ways to program these are at the end of an upper body workout:

10×10 with 20-30 seconds rest or max reps, rest 10 seconds after achieving failure and repeat until you hit 100 reps. 

Have any questions about programming?

Shoot me an email at adamnpine@gmail.com with “PROGRAM” in the subject line!

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